Ecco una serie di trucchi dedicati alla versione PC del conosciutissimo ed apprezzatissimo Minecraft di Mojang. Questa serie di trucchi o meglio codici disponibili dalla console di gioco la proponiamo in occasione dell’arrivo del titolo anche per le console di ultima generazione.

Per attivare la console dovrete premere il tasto C sulla vostra tastiera durante il gioco. Attenzione però perché la console dei cheat codes deve eesere abilitata nel momento in cui viene creato un nuovo mondo altrimenti non sarà disponibile.

Change to Survival mode: /gamemode 0
Change to Creative mode: /gamemode 1
Toggle Atlantis mode: atlantis [on or off]
Moves to next platform above your position: ascend
Heal indicated amount of health points: heal [health points]
Refill health to indicated level: health [min, max, or infinite]
Bring indicated entity to you: bring [entity]
Duplicates and drops current item stack in hand: duplicate
Toggle player damage: damage
Toggle player fall damage: falldamage
Toggle player fire damage: firedamage
Mobs cannot damage you: mobdamage
Toggle infinite items: infiniteitems
Keep items after you die: keepitems
Kill current player: kill
Kill indicated type of mob: killall [mob type]
Kill indicated living things nearby: killnpc [all, animal, or monster]
Instantly kill the animal or monster you hit: instantkill
Go to waypoint: goto [name]
Teleport to spawn point: home
Spawn a portal: spawnportal
Spawn individual creature: spawn [name, ID, random, or list] [quantity]
Change player skin to any Minecraft skin: skin [username]
Shoot primed TNT block at pointer: cannon [strength]
Access chest commands: chest [drop, get, fill, or swap]
Toggle clarity of water: clearwater
Clone the block at pointer: clone [amount]
Confuses mobs: confuse [distance]
Cycle through the painting at pointer: cyclepainting
Defuse all nearby active TNT: defuse
Moves to the next platform below your position: descend
Destroy current item: destroy
Toggle difficulty; 0 (Peaceful), 1 (Easy), 2 (Medium), and 3 (Hard): difficulty [0-3]
Transfer entire inventory to chest that spawns next to you: dropstore
Set off explosion: explode
Set specified block at indicated flammability level: flammable [block] [catch or spread]
Fly at indicated speed: fly [speed]
Freezes mobs: freeze
Grow all wheat and spruce trees: grow
Display more information about specified command: help [command name]
Toggle instant mine: instantmine
Instantly grows what you plant: instantplant
Toggle breakage or usage of an item: itemdamage
Move to pointer: jump
Toggle permanent lighting: light
List all waypoints on the map: listwaypoints
Longer legs: longerlegs
Glass block under your feet: platform
Rename command name to a new command name of your choice: rename [command name] [newname]
Ride the living creature at pointer: ride
Set spawn point to indicated coordinates: setspawn [x coordinate] [y coordinate] [z coordinate]
Set speed at which player moves to a indicated speed or resets it: setspeed [speed or reset]
Set the specified blocks slippery: slippery [block name]
Turn all items into their smelted form: superheat
Teleport to indicated coordinates: tele [x coordinate] [y coordinate] [z coordinate]
Teleport to the Nether, repeat to return: useportal
Toggle player water damage: waterdamage
Change weather: weather [lightning, thunder, or rain]
Display biome you are currently in: biome
Control game save from Command bar: world [load, save, seed, new, exit, list, or backup]
Clear console: clear


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